Flat Top Grills & Griddles

Flat Top Grills & Griddles

Flat top grills & griddles offer versatile, even cooking surfaces for grilling, searing, and sautéing various foods.
Outdoor Commercial Grills

Outdoor Commercial Grills

Durable outdoor commercial grills provide high-capacity, efficient cooking for large events, ensuring perfect grilling results.
Panini Grills

Panini Grills

Panini grills provide quick, even heating for perfect sandwiches, wraps, and more, enhancing menu versatility.
Rotating Tortilla Griddles

Rotating Tortilla Griddles

Tortilla griddles ensure perfectly cooked tortillas with consistent heat, increasing efficiency and quality in commercial kitchens.


Charbroilers deliver intense, even heat for perfect grilling, enhancing flavor and texture in commercial kitchens.

Commercial grills are essential in professional kitchens, providing versatile cooking solutions for a variety of dishes. These grills come in various types, including charbroilers, panini grills, and flat top grills, each designed to meet different culinary needs. Charbroilers are perfect for achieving that classic, flame-kissed flavor in meats and vegetables, making them a staple in many restaurants. Panini grills offer quick and even heating, ideal for crafting perfect sandwiches and wraps, enhancing menu versatility.

Flat top grills, on the other hand, provide a large, even cooking surface suitable for a wide range of foods, from breakfast items like pancakes and eggs to lunch and dinner offerings such as burgers and stir-fries. This versatility makes flat top grills a valuable addition to any commercial kitchen, allowing chefs to cook multiple items simultaneously and efficiently.

Investing in high-quality commercial grills from a reliable restaurant equipment supply ensures durability and consistent performance, crucial for maintaining high standards in food preparation and customer satisfaction. These grills are designed to withstand the demands of a busy kitchen, ensuring efficient operation and long-term reliability. By choosing the right commercial grill, restaurants can enhance their cooking capabilities, improve menu offerings, and ultimately boost their bottom line.

For a wide selection of commercial grills and other essential cooking equipment, consider exploring the offerings at Standard Restaurant Supply, which provides a comprehensive range of products to meet the diverse needs of foodservice establishments​.